Kundalini Yoga

Some of the physiological benefits of Kundalini Yoga include balancing the glandular system, improving circulation and increasing muscle tone, energy and vitality, allowing us to tap into our reserve energy at will. Spiritually, it manifests flexibility of the soul, allowing a practitioner to engage fully in life or relax deeply at will. Kundalini helps us access inner peace and deep relaxation, which brings forth a calm, neutral state of mind, increases joy and develops our sense of Intuition. Practitioners are frequently able to tap into an innate capacity to heal, sourcing that energy from the divine within each of us. Kundalini is like the nerve of the soul. It is said to reside at the base of the spine as a latent potential energy that we can activate through movement (specific yoga poses), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantras (chanted sacred sounds) and meditation. As we activate Kundalini energy, it rises up through the spine helping to stimulate the higher centers of the brain located in the areas of the pineal and pituitary glands, giving us a heightened sense of awareness. This greater awareness is our link to the divine, our link to all that is. We feel a sense of connectedness as that energy rises.
Click HERE to register for an upcoming Kundalini Class.